Carretera Iquitos-Nauta Km 47 Iquitos, Peru

Welcome to RAREC

Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate threatened species of Amazonian wildlife, as well as to provide community education, and to further scientific knowledge that will help us preserve the Amazon Rainforest.

RAREC started operations in 2011. We operate as a fully licensed rescue center, and we are registered as a non-profit institution. Our programs are funded with the financial support from our partners in conservation, as well as donations from people with a keen interest in the preservation of Amazonia, all over the world.

Take a look around


RAREC Walkthrough

Vet Student Program

The Future Of The Amazon Rainforest

Support Us

Your donations go towards our animals and their ongoing protection and release.

Volunteer and Work With Us

There are multiple options to volunteer and work with us here at RAREC. We want to offer the experience to as many people as possible, from every background and skill level. 

Read our new RAREC pamphlet!

We have put our history and future plans in a pamphlet. Feel free to download and share this far and wide!

logo for species 360 with tagline 'global information serving conservation'


About Species360

Successful animal care depends on applying the best actions possible for long-term animal health and survival. And that means tapping into the best knowledge available. Created by the members to advance global collaboration and information sharing, Species360 has been the primary source of biological insights on living collections of wildlife in human care since 1974. As a mission-based, global non-profit, non-governmental organization, Species360 continues to advance knowledge sharing for excellent animal care and conservation. Today, more than 1,200 zoos, aquariums and other wildlife member organizations in 101 countries use Species360 ZIMS software to help them achieve best practice animal management and conservation goals.


Subscribe to our newsletter

A quarterly newsletter that will keep you informed of project and animal updates as well as job openings and recent rescues!

Apply To Volunteer

Send your details to us and we’ll be in touch to confirm your volunteering and let you know the donation amount to pay before you arrive.

Please be aware that the submission of your application does not guarantee acceptance for a volunteer position, so you should avoid making any travel arrangement until you have received confirmation from us.